Strong legislation for a healthy climate
The global climate crisis is having a particularly powerful impact on the mountainous country of Austria, in the heart of Europe. While the global temperature increase between 1880 and 2018 was around one degree Celsius, it actually crept up by two degrees in Austria.
Key climate targets were set at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris in 2015.
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The climate crisis is therefore threatening Austria’s biodiversity and the diversity of our nature: alpine glaciers are melting, the habitats of many animal and plant species in the mountains are shifting upwards, thereby displacing others. During the summer months, Austria is hit not only by increasingly frequent and prolonged heat waves with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees, but also by torrential thunderstorms. The ever more frequent floods, droughts and other effects of climate change are also endangering people’s livelihoods and health and causing billions of euros in economic damage.
It is therefore vital that we take quick action. That is why ÖKOBÜRO champions effective steering measures and strong legislation for climate protection.