ÖKOBÜRO advocates for environmental protection and the Austrian Alliance of the Environmental Movement, both on a political and legal level. We offer our expertise in environmental law, public participation and solving political problems to all our members as well as other environmental movements.
Deforestation of the floodplain near Traismauer for the construction of a Danube bridge.
© GLOBAL 2000
We develop solutions as to how the law must be designed in order to effectively protect the environment. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that environmental procedures such as the EIA operate well, that environmental organisations can participate in these procedures and that such organisations can bring violations of environmental law before the courts.
Joint search for methods for the environmentally friendly expansion of renewable energies.
© ÖKOBÜRO / Julia Mördinger
Our environment is a habitat for people, animals and plants – we use it for recreation, for agriculture, we integrate all our infrastructures such as settlements or roads into it, and much more.
Protecting the environment can sometimes come into conflict with the different ways in which it is used. When that happens, ÖKOBÜRO organises stakeholder processes: we work at a strategic level with the various interest groups to find a consensus that both protects the environment and enables other uses. One example of this are the measures we have developed to minimise the environmental impact of the expansion of renewable energies.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
© UN in collaboration with Project Everyone
ÖKOBÜRO co-founded the platform SDG Watch Austria to act as a united voice of civil society with the aim of driving forward the goal of achieving a sustainable society. An international compass pointing towards an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable world has already been agreed – the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) are among these compass points.
All UN member states have pledged to follow this path towards a sustainable future. For Austria to achieve these 17 goals, the government and parliament must set the course accordingly.
© Kirill Shashkov / shutterstock 62484949
The environmental movement can only successfully pursue its goals if it is allowed to develop freely. To this end, it makes use of fundamental rights such as freedom of the media and freedom of assembly. On the other hand, it contributes its knowledge and makes proposals for legislation. ÖKOBÜRO is therefore committed to ensuring that civil society can participate effectively in legislation, that government information is made as accessible as possible and that the freedom of civil society is preserved.