DACE - An initiative to promote knowledge and implementation of climate rights
As part of the Justice and Environment (J&E) network, six environmental rights organizations from Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovenia, Spain and Austria, including ÖKOBÜRO - Alliance of the Environmental Movement, are working to raise awareness at the interface of law and climate as part of the EU-funded grant project "Discussions and Actions on Climate and Environment" (DACE).
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The aim of DACE is to raise awareness of climate rights among EU citizens. This includes how adaptation measures to climate change can be demanded from decision-makers and which rights citizens can assert for stronger climate protection. The project supports the climate goals of the European Green Deal and the EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and will run from 2022 to 2024.
The following actions are planned as part of the project:
The results of the project will have an impact on the EU and thus on national policies for adaptation to climate change. The project aims to reach a large number of citizens not only in the project countries, but across the EU.
This project is funded by the European Union.