Steps towards ecologically and socially just resource and energy consumption
Can we live fulfilling lives and protect our planet at the same time? Which framework conditions have to be in place for societies to reduce and better distribute energy and resource consumption, granting everyone the opportunity to live a good life? In a joint project, ÖKOBÜRO - Alliance of the Environmental Movement and the Austrian Anti Poverty Network are looking for answers and solutions.
Could a socially and ecologically just world look like this?
© Illustration: Lana Lauren
The aim of this project is to stimulate a broad debate on resource and energy consumption and to find solutions for ecologically and socially just resource consumption. As part of the project, discussions and workshops were held with people affected by poverty, young people, representatives from environmental and social organizations and scientists, among others. In addition, a conference was held in Vienna in November 2023.
By involving many different groups, we aim to create a better picture of needs, challenges and possible solutions surrounding a both ecologically and socially just future.
Our main focus lies on the creation of better conditions and opportunities for living a good life within planetary boundaries, therefore putting the responsibility of politicians and decision-makers at the center of attention.
Since solutions have to simultaneously address social inequality and excessive resource consumption, we need to shift from discussing the decisions of individuals (e.g. consumer behavior) to tackling the structures, laws and policies that impede the construction of a better future for all.
The findings and recommendations of this project were published as a part of a comprehensive background paper and will be presented to political decision-makers. The publication further includes articles by scientists from WU Vienna, University of Life Science Vienna (BOKU), St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, the University of Klagenfurt and many more.
Background Paper & Recommendations (German only)
The contact person for the project at ÖKOBÜRO is Caroline Krecké (
Event video “Von allem genug, von nichts zu viel”, 14.11.2023. Further details in the our report on the event (German only).
Discussion paper German Advisory Council on the Environment: Suffizienz als „Strategie des Genug“
APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben
Further external references will follow.